Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Craig Ballantyne Says 3 Reasons to Avoid Elliptical Machines!

Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training wrote this guest article today... in fact, Craig said it was very controversial and made some folks mad at him! After you read this article... be sure to leave a comment or two what YOU think about it!

-- Matt --

The latest Men's Health magazine comes down on elliptical machines hard.

Now I know elliptical machines are often the only option for people with bad knees, but if your knees are healthy, think twice before using the elliptical machine for these three reasons.

First, on page 52 of the December, 2008 issue, Men's Health warns, "Never trust elliptical machines".

They quote a study that found elliptical machines over-estimated the number of calories burned in a workout by 31%!


So if your "elliptical cardio workout" burned 400 calories, the truth is you really burned closer to only 300 calories.

Second, later in the Dec. issue, Men's Health magazine interviewed Biggest Loser contestant Ed Brantley. Ed lost 73 pounds on the show, but had this to say about elliptical machines, "I hated the elliptical. It was too easy, I didn't feel like I was doing anything."

Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.

But that's EXACTLY why elliptical machines are so popular...

You see, the third reason elliptical machines are inferior for fat loss is because they fail my "human nature" test.

Put it this way...

Take 100 people and put them in a gym with 100 treadmills and 100 elliptical machines.

Tell them they have to exercise for 30 minutes at a hard pace, and they have the choice to use either the treadmill or the elliptical.

Guess where 90% of folks are going?

The elliptical!


Because it is human nature to take the EASY WAY out. And that is why elliptical machines are so busy at the gym and you rarely see anyone doing intervals on a treadmill or bodyweight circuits in the corner of the gym.

Often I see folks using the elliptical machine only to say they "worked out", but without getting any REAL work done.

So if you are stuck at a fat loss plateau, and you've been counting on the elliptical machine to help you out, then forget it.

To burn fat and get more out of your workouts, do interval training outside, on a bike or treadmill, or with kettlebell exercises or bodyweight circuits.

For more interval training and bodyweight workouts, visit:

These are all better options in your fight against the fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The God-Awful Truth About Cellulite... By Joey Atlas

The God-Awful Truth About Cellulite... By Joey Atlas

Do you know this type of woman?

She looks great in her 'sexy jeans... She looks amazing in a form fitted skirt... and she actually looks like a 'hottie' in her workout gear... But when she's naked - she can't stand to look at her trouble spots in the mirror because of her cellulite...

A bikini is out of the question... the short little dress won't see the light of day... and her man is only allowed to "see her" with the lights off...

She doesn't know why she has it. She's heard so many different 'theories'. And she's wasted hundreds, if not, thousands on supposed 'cellulite treatments' - only to find more disappointment and frustration when her cellulite got worse, instead of better...

She may have even tried "the gym thing" - doing the same routine every other members does - again only to find the cellulite is still there...

She loves her weight, her size and even her shape... All she wants is to be cellulite free...

Truth be told there is only one proven way to get rid of cellulite. And yes, it is 'exercise' - but it's not just any old fitness routine... The effective way to banish cellulite is with a specifically structured, laser-targeted cellulite reduction exercise program.

In order for the program to deliver the desired results, it must include these six principles called, R.E.D.U.C.E.


1 - Replace all 'weight and machine' lower body exercises with bodyweight exercises -- this may seem counter-intuitive to the mainstream 'fitness' approach to cellulite reduction - but its the main reason why it actually works...
2 - Emphasize the slowness of each repetition - This allows the whole muscle to be involved and properly engaged in each exercise - a key to lower body cellulite reduction
3 - Don't get caught up in the 'No pain - no gain' mentality -- this concept forces women to think "doing more is better" which is not the case. This actually prohibits the desired result of cellulite reduction and this is also where exercise related injuries occur...
4 - Utilize 'items' in your home for a complete lower body, anti-cellulite exercise program -- items such as a cushioned chair or couch, a firm ottoman, and a pantry step stool are ideal...
5 - Concentrate on moving from one exercise to the next with no more than 20 seconds between sets -- this is an important element for the cellulite reduction effect...
6 - Expect visible cellulite reduction to start within 2 - 3 weeks if you get your lower body sessions in three times per week (some women can get away with just two sessions per week).

It is widely know that cellulite affects women of all ages, body types, and body weights.

Unfortunately this allows for a lot of unscrupulous marketers of 'hyped up' products, to take advantage of desperate and hopeful women. They employ sneaky advertising tactics that prey on the emotional pain of this large target market - bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars in profits year after year - WITHOUT delivering the promised results...

But even when a woman tries the 'exercise' approach to cellulite reduction - she usually falls victim of simply not being on a cellulite-specific exercise program... Hence perpetuating her constant battle with all the ways her cellulite affects her daily life, attitude and happiness...

If you've "tried everything" with no results to show for your efforts -take a close look at your exercise program (if you are on one right now) and see how you can incorporate the principles of R.E.D.U.C.E. outlined above.

Most of all just be aware that the only way to get rid of the 'orange peel' look of your 'problem zones' is by proper stimulation of the muscles directly beneath your cellulite areas - not with some 'bodybuilder' routine, not with a magical rub-on cream and not with a vibrating toxin releasing massage treatment.

Joey Atlas is the Publisher of the controversial 'Cellulite Reduction Report'. Visit his site now to read the current issue of his report - it will blow your mind...

The New Ultimate Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution

Wow, what a shock I received in my email today!

Not only is Craig Ballantyne dishing out one of his most
embarrassing stories, but he's also giving you free DVD's and a
1-Year Platinum TT Membership.

It turns out that just about 15 years ago, Craig was heading down
the wrong path...eating and drinking too much and not working out.

But one day just after Christmas in 1994, Craig stumbled upon a
bodyweight workout that changed his life.

I want you to read the rest of Craig's embarrassing story here:

To mark the anniversary of the turning point in his life, Craig is
launching the Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution,
full of all of his best bodyweight workouts...

PLUS, his NEWEST workout - the TT Hotel Room Workouts that even
include FOLLOW-ALONG workouts for the beginner and intermediate.

It's like having Craig Ballantyne as your personal trainer in the
comfort of your own home!

You'll get instant access to these NEW workouts, but MORE
importantly, he's also going to ship you FREE DVD's of the Hotel
Room Workouts and his most popular bodyweight workouts.

In fact, he's holding a PRE-launch sale for the first 50 copies and
cutting the price by 50 bucks.

This new Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution package

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

The value of the entire Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning
Solution is over $1662.89, but the first 50 copies are available in
this Pre-Launch Sale for only $247.

(NOTE: These copies are going so fast since the website went "live"
yesterday that there are only 21 copies remaining at the PRE-release

Grab yours here:


(But the low price and free shipping won't be around for long.)

Turn your life around today,

Matt Taylor

PS - Don't forget, you'll receive...

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

This package is worth over $1662.89, but it's yours for only $247...

BUT only 21 copies remain at the PRE-release price of $247!

Get started here:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hotel Workout Video for Fat Burning While Traveling

Here is a great short video that Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training made of a good fat burning workout that you can do in the hotel room if you are short of time or need a burst of energy...

And the key thing here is you don't need to buy expensive equipment or carry them with you when you travel. Just use your own bodyweight and you will be surprised what you can do...
