Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Acne Treatment for Sufferers... Acne Free in Three Days by Chris Gibson Review...

As Chris Gibson, the author of the eBook, "Acne Free in Three Days" said, "Acne is a serious problem and is not fun."

Although scientists are not exactly sure what is the cause of acne or those ugly pimples The general consensus is that the pore on your skin collapses on itself and prevents oil from escaping. Since there are so many different possibilities that causes pimples, it makes sense we should just put our efforts into finding a tested and effective acne treatment.

For hundreds of millions of people around the world, acne rears its' ugly head often and with a vengeance. Teenagers are at the highest risk, with 70 percent of them affected with these gross and painful blemishes. Clear, glowing skin, free of acne is exactly what we want.

Read the rest of my article here:

Natural Acne Treatment - Acne Free in Three Days by Chris Gibson

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