Wednesday, November 28, 2007

HS Runner breaks leg but keeps on going...

High school runner breaks leg in meet, crawls to finish anyway

I heard something about this a week or so ago and then ran across this article on ESPN. If you click on the link, it will take you to the article on ESPN and it also shows the video of the poor girl falling 45 feet short of the finish line and then crawling all the way to the end.

Claire Markwardt got picked up by her coach at the end but it made me feel like crying...

You see, her leg broke in two places and she was so determined to finish that she kept on going.

How many of us would do that something like that? And she was supposed to be at her sister's wedding afterwards...

So be a hero and suck it up. Do your exercise, eat the right foods and focus on your goals... Relentlessly!!!

Go to my website for more weight loss and fitness resources that I believe is going to help you cross that finish line

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sending Your Baby to Gym Class?

Four-month-old babies attending gym classes

Worried Mommies and Daddies have been taking the babies to the gym...

They are worried about child obesity. And they probably have too much money.

That is the only explanation I can think of: sending your 4 month child to a special class to exercise. Because quite frankly, if the baby can crawl, they are getting all the exercises they need.

The major culprit of childhood obesity isn't the exercise at 4 months of age. It is what they are eating! Junk foods.

When I was a kid, my folks didn't have to worry about childhood obesity. They just sent my brothers and I outside to do the chores around the farm. We only got three squares a day. No snacking in between meals.

Never got a ounce of fat on me...

And today, it is so easy for the affluent kids to go to the grocery store and load up on chips, candy and soda. Then they go home and watch TV or play on their computers.

This is a recipe for disaster...

Got a great review for new Mommies who want their pre-baby body back...

The Fit Yummy Mummy

Friday, November 16, 2007

Proof Positive that Comcast Sucks... A Homeowner Took a Video of the Comcast Technician Sleeping on His Couch...

This video has been seen over a million times. Apparently, this poor "tuckered out" technician was on hold with Comcast for an hour and fell asleep. WITH THE HOMEOWNER VIDEO TAPING HIM!

The point is, don't fall asleep on your weight loss or even weight gain goals. It is really up to you whether or not you will have the body that you deserve and others admire...

Oh yeah, Comcast fired the guy, apologized to the homeowner and probably STILL sucks! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

South Beach Diet Low Carb

I read something really interesting recently, it seems that nobody is trying to lose weight or get into shape entering the holiday season...

They are all waiting until AFTER New Years Day to start their diet... like with the Low Carb South Beach Diet and others...

I don't know about that but what is the point? You gain 10 pounds and then spend the next few months trying to lose it.

And studies show that MOST people fail to lose weight when they diet... as you will see if you read my website, it is entirely possible to get fatter when you diet...

It's because your body is way smarter than you so quit abusing yourself with yucky diets and gross workouts...

Just take the time to learn exactly what you need to do to get the results you want...

A thinner and muscular body that everyone will admire...

Read the home page of my website about fat loss here

Saturday, November 10, 2007

McDonalds and Fast Foods

OK. Let's clear up any conflicting messages here. Fast foods and the granddaddy of all fast food restaurants, McDonald's, DOES NOT have your best interest here...

They sell things to make money and they market it such a way that makes you want it. But the foods they sell are not good for you...

The items on the menu are called junk food for a reason. They raise your blood sugar make your body fatter.

We all know this and go anyway. Go figure.

I cannot understand why foods that are bad for you usually taste really good and the good foods for your body doesn't taste as good...

But it seems that way.

If you are willing to make a life time change and create the healthy and lean body that you wanted...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bodyweight 500 Challenge Exercise Video

Great news for those who want a fitness challenge! Craig Ballantyne, the creator of Turbulence Training created a video called: Bodyweight 500 Challenge for you.

Good luck and go for it!!!

If you haven't gotten the Turbulence Training manual, what are you waiting for? Go here to check it out...

Turbulence Training

If you want to read my review, click on this link to be directed to the review on my website:

Turbulence Training Weight Loss Program review

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ryan Shay -- RIP -- Died of Heart Attack Jogging

The elite distance runner, Ryan Shay collapsed and died yesterday (Saturday) during the U.S. men's marathon Olympic trials.

They said he had an enlarged heart but was cleared by the doctors. But still, I truly believe that human beings were NOT designed for long distance jogging...

That belief is based on studies that show the heart is NOT exercised during jogging. All jogging really does is train the lungs to take in oxygen.

And have you looked at most joggers? They are almost anorexic and have sunken chests. And then compare them with the college sprinters. Those guys are built! They do interval training. Fast, slow, fast slow without constant wearing down of the heart that steady exercises like airobics or jogging...

In fact, you don't even need to jog or run. You can train and sculpt your body using Craig Ballantyne's exercise program, Turbulence Training...

If this interests you and you want to know more, go here to read my review here:

Turbulence Training Weight Loss Programs

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Future of Weight Loss? Written by Craig Ballantyne the Author of the Top Bodyweight Workouts for Busy Folks...

The Future of Weight Loss?

By Craig Ballantyne

Thanks to a new invention, you can now lose weight by walking while you work.

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic hooked up subjects to a walking workstation - essentially, a treadmill at a stand-up desk - to determine how many calories they could burn while walking at a self-selected velocity (an average of 1.1 mph).

When they worked while sitting in a chair, the subjects burned 72 calories per hour. However, when using the walking workstation at 1.1 mph, they burned an average of 191 calories per hour.

The researchers concluded that using a walking workstation for as little as three hours per day could help people lose up to 60 pounds in a year.

However, let me add my professional opinion. To me, this is nothing more than wishful thinking. Why? Because, as I've reported previously long slow cardio is a waste of time. In fact, even six hours of hard cardio per week results in only an average of six pounds of fat loss in a year.

The bottom line is that aerobic exercise (a.k.a. cardio) is an inefficient way to burn fat. You need to focus on interval training and nutrition to lose that spare tire.

[Ed. Note: Fitness expert Craig Ballantyne is the creator of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system]

Be sure to check out my review of the Turbulence Training Weight Loss Programs